
All In One Led Solar Street Light VS Split Solar Streetlight


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As the name implies, the all in one led solar street light is to integrate all the components and connect them together. It integrates the solar panel, rechargeable battery, LED light source, controller, mounting bracket, etc. into one street lamp, so what are the differences between these two kinds of street lamps? Is it just a structural difference? Let's learn it in this paper.

integrated solar street light and split type

1. Battery

Split solar streetlights use lead-acid battery, and the all in one led solar street lights use the lithium battery. The charge and discharge times of lithium batteries are three times that of lead-acid batteries, and the number of charge and discharge times directly affects the service life of the battery. The minimum operating temperature of lead-acid batteries is -5°C. When the temperature is lower than 5°C, the capacity of the lead-acid battery will decrease. When the temperature is lower than minus 10°C, the battery is prone to freeze electrolyte and cause temporary failure of the battery. Because the lithium battery is a solid-state battery, the lowest operating temperature is -20°C. When the temperature is not lower than -20°C, the battery will not reduce its capacity. When the temperature is lower than 20℃-30℃, the capacity of lithium batteries will be reduced by 30%. In Northeast China, Xinjiang and Tibet, the outdoor temperature at night in winter will be lower than minus 10℃-30℃. If lead-acid battery is used, the battery will fail to discharge and cause the lamp to not light up. The all in one led solar street light can be used normally under low temperature outdoor conditions. Battery summary: According to the comparison between the number of charge and discharge of the battery above and the use temperature at low temperature, the effect of lithium batteries is better whether it is the comparison of the number of charge and discharge times and the use effect at low temperature.

2. Installation

The installation of split solar streetlights is a bit more complicated than all in one led solar street lights. To dig the ground cage pit of the light pole, but also to dig the place where the battery box is buried. In order to prevent the battery from getting water due to rain, the battery should be stored in the air. After the battery is buried, solar panels, lamps, etc. must be installed. The installation of all in one led solar street light is very simple. Only need to dig the ground cage, install the lamps, and erect the light poles. The all in one led solar street light integrates the solar panel, controller and light source inside the lamp pole through a reasonable layout, which greatly increases the installation speed and saves the construction cost of the entire project. However, due to that the parts of split solar streetlight are separated, the split type is more flexible to design.

solar street light installation

3. Maintenance

The repair of split solar streetlight is much more complicated. When the street lamp broken down, the manufacturer needs to send technicians to the local for repair. When repairing, it is necessary to check nearly all the parts such as battery, photovoltaic panel, LED lamp holder, wire, etc.; Some solar lamp manufacturers will not even send technical staff for maintenance. For all in one led solar street light, users only need to send the integrated led solar street light to the factory for maintenance.

4. Lighting efficiency

The larger the area of the same battery panel, the higher the photoelectric conversion efficiency, and the capacity of the battery is proportional to the volume. Therefore, for integrated led solar street lights, the volume is limited, and the area of the battery panel and the volume of the battery will be restricted. Therefore, it is not suitable for some places with relatively high lighting requirements, and can only be used in places where the configuration requirements are not too high. Split solar streetlight is more flexible.

From the above comparison, we can know the differences between all in one led solar street light and split type. Users can choose the street lamp based on their own needs.
