
Four Things to do If Solar Power Street Light is not Working


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Solar energy has high economic benefits due to its energy saving and environmental protection, so it has been vigorously promoted by various countries. The combination of solar energy and street lights has solved the current situation of the difficulty of installing street lights in rural areas. Some people find that the solar power street lights do not turn on after installation. Why aren’t the solar power street lights do not turn on, how to fix the solar power street lights? Let’s find answers in this paper.

1.Why aren't the solar power street lights work?

The LED lamp beads used in solar power streetlights are of poor quality, poor power supply, and poor heat dissipation performance of the radiator.

The power configuration of the solar panels is too small, making the initial fit performance normal, but after a few rainy days, the luminous efficiency and lighting time will gradually decrease.

solar power street light

The capacity of the battery is too small, or the setting of the solar power street light controller does not meet the local demand. It can’t provide lighting in the longest consecutive rainy days. This situation will bring a certain burden to the battery and cause premature aging of the battery. If the lamp cap of the solar power street light uses too much power, it may cause the battery to be over-discharged and age prematurely. If the power is too low and the brightness is not enough, it will cause unnecessary cost waste.

2. How to fix solar power street light?

Check solar power street light controller

Controller is the core of the solar power street light. The solar street light controller is usually installed in the light pole, which is easy to cause the short-circuit phenomenon of water entering the controller. First observe whether there is any rust on the terminal of the controller.

Check the battery

If there is no water in the controller, it is necessary to check the battery voltage of the solar power street light. We must first check the connection of each component. If the connection is correct and the contact is good, and the solar power street light still does not light up, we must consider whether the solar battery is in an inactive and undervoltage state. If it is in an inactive or under-voltage state, we need to connect the solar panel to the battery for charging on a sunny day, then disconnect the solar panel from the solar lithium battery, and then connect the LED light source to the battery. If the light is on, it means the rechargeable battery has been reactivated. If the light still does not turn on, you need to consider whether the battery itself is malfunctioning. If the solar street lamp battery is normal, replace with a new controller to see if it is normal. If it is normal, it is basically determined that the controller is broken.

Another situation is that the battery is out of battery. The storage capacity of the battery is controlled at about 30% before delivering from the factory. This means that the battery capacity given to the customer is not full. If the customer does not install it for a long time or encounters rainy days after the installation, it can only consume the power stored at the factory. After the power is used up, the lights of the solar power street lights will not turn on.

Check whether the solar panel can be charged

split solar power street light

Usually, the situation that cannot be charged is mainly manifested as voltage and no current. Currently, it is necessary to check whether the battery board joints are well welded, and whether the aluminum foil on the battery board has current. If there is no current, it is basically concluded that the battery board has been scrapped. If there is electricity on the solar panel, pay attention to whether it is covered with snow and cannot be charged.

Check the connection of each component

Whether the wires are in good contact with the solar power street light controller, solar battery, LED light source and other components. Whether the positive and negative connections of each component are correct. Also check whether the line is damaged. If the insulating layer is worn out, and the current is conducted through the lamp pole, it will cause a short circuit and the lamp will not light up.

In short, if the solar power street light does not light up after installation, we can’t blindly conclude that the quality of the solar street light we purchased is not good. First, we must try the above methods. If the problem still can’t be solved, we must consult the solar power street light manufacturer and request maintenance.
