
Five Tips to Make Your Led Solar Street Light Last Longer


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Led solar street lights are being installed in more and more places. They are popular because these road lighting solutions are energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Led solar street lights can't provide efficient illumination for 8 hours at night or it won’t be as bright as before. Some people will ask "Can led solar street lights last longer? The answer is yes. Here are some tips that will help the led solar street light last longer.

1. Replace the battery

Led solar street lights consist of solar panel, controller, lighting fixture, rechargeable battery, etc. Lithium iron phosphate battery is used by many streetlight manufacturers, due to many advantages. How to size the battery for solar street light is an important thing. Its lifespan is 2-3 years. The rechargeable battery has charge and discharge times, the power will gradually decrease with the increase of the number of uses. Therefore, the lighting hours of led solar street lights will gradually decrease after using for more than 3 years, which is a normal phenomenon. The problem can be solved by replacing the energy storage battery. It's easy to do without the help of professional technical staff.

led solar street light

2. Keep the solar panel clean

The solar panels have not been cleaned for a long time, and there is too much dust, which affects power generation. In some places, it is often snowing, and snow covering the solar panels causes insufficient power generation. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the dust and snow of the solar panels frequently, preferably once every two months. Regular clean of led solar street light will lead to longer lighting hours of the lamp.

3. Install the lamp in an open place

If led solar street lights are to be installed on both sides of the road, we must consider whether there are green plants or other objects covering both sides of the road. Because led solar street lights are converted into electricity by absorbing solar energy, the lighting effect will decrease if the solar panel is blocked. 

4. Place the street light in places without lighting

During the day, the solar panel will absorb the solar energy and store the solar energy in the rechargeable battery. Two modes can be selected for the light. Time control and light control. From the moment the light turns on, the clock will send an instruction to cut off the power supply after the light is on for the set time. For example, we set it to 8 hours, when the light is dark, it is 6 o'clock, and then it is 2 o'clock in the morning. At that time, the solar street light will automatically go out. As for the light control mode, solar energy does not have any lighting time limit, if it is dark, it will be on. This mode is completely controlled by photosensitive elements. 

5. Store the light indoors during cold weather

Lighting hours of the lamp will be greatly affected by the cold weather. It’s best to store your light indoors when encountering severe weather. Of course, led solar street lights designed by reliable solar light manufacturer can adapt to the harsh outdoor environments. High performance street lamp is built with durable materials and an IP67 waterproof grade, it can operate well all year round regardless of terrible weather conditions. However, store the light indoors during severe weather can help the light last longer.

Led solar street lights can last longer than you expected only if you take good care of them. Compared to conventional street lights, led solar street lights need less maintenance and consume little electricity. It may cost some money in the beginning, but led solar street light brings long-term benefits. 
