
Tips to Maintain Solar Power Street Lights


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As the most popular outdoor lighting system, solar power street light is easy to maintain compared to traditional street lamp. During installation, there is no need to lay cables and re-dig the paved roads. Its maintenance is as easy as the installattion. However, the solar  power street light is installed outside. The heavy weather such as rain, snow will have impact on the light. Sometimes, small problems will happen. So we offer some tips to maintain the solar power street lights in this article.

solar power street light

1. Check the wires and connections

Traditional street lights need to dig holes and lead wires, and the maintenance of the lines is also very troublesome. But solar power street lights are different. They don't need to dig pits and lead wires. The focus of maintenance is on the lines connecting the components. If you want the solar power street lights to work normally, you must check the wiring regularly to see if the wiring is aging. If there is aging, replace it in time. If the wiring is poorly connected, the battery will lose power and the energy storage will decrease, which will cause the solar street lamps to flicker. The maintenance of damaged wires need a professional electrician. Don't replace the wires by yourelf in case any accident happens.

2. Keep the solar panel clean

After a period of use, some dead leaves or dust will accumulate on the solar panel. These things will directly affect the conversion rate of solar cell. The low conversion rate means the decrease of electricity generation. Then the solar power street light can't provide illumination in the continuous rainy days as set before. Regularly clean is necessary. If there is dust or other dirt, you should first rinse with clean water, and then gently wipe the water stains with a clean gauze. Do not rinse or probe with hard objects or corrosive solvents.

3. Maintain the battery

The core part of solar power street lights is the battery. The working principle of solar energy is that during the day the solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into electrical energy, and at night the battery supplies power to light up the street lights. Therefore, if we want to maintain the solar power street lights, the first thing we need to do is to maintain the solar batteries. The accumulator must prevent rainwater from entering, and its temperature must be controlled, not too high or too low, and to avoid complete discharge. The battery must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions of the solar power street light manufacturer.

Solar power street lights can last 6-8 years if properly maintained. Follow the tips we mentioned above if something happen. After trying all these tips, if you still can't solve the problem. You can contact the professional solar power street light manufacturer, who always provide thoughtful after-sales service.
