
How Much Can You Save Using Solar Street Lamp


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Limited non-renewable energy can no longer meet the needs of today's rapid economic development in the world. Therefore, the development of new energy has become a top priority. Solar energy is an inexhaustible new type of renewable energy, and it is also one of the clean energy that is being vigorously developed in various countries around the world. Solar street lamp is just a case of the successful application of solar resources in our daily lives. Compared with installing traditional street lights, installing solar street lamps can save us a lot of money. There are also some people who think that the use of solar street lamps incurs more costs than traditional street lights. We will explain to you how much money you can save by installing solar street lamps in this article.

solar street lamp

Why do some people think that the cost of using road solar light is more expensive? Because solar street lamps are engineering projects, which are generally purchased by engineering companies or government departments, the number of street lights required is particularly large. The price of solar street lamps is not fixed, it is determined by its configuration. The accessories of solar street lamp include: light source, intelligent controller, solar panel, battery, light pole and so on. If the lighting time is relatively long, or the continuous rainy days are long, the capacity of natural storage batteries and solar panels is also higher. Therefore, the price of solar street lamps with motion sensors will be higher, and a certain amount of capital investment is still required in the early stage of the project. Customers who need solar street lamps can provide street light manufacturers with their own lighting requirements, local sunshine market, the longest number of rainy days and other information. Let manufacturers configure according to the real needs of customers.

But we have to take a longer-term view. solar street lamps are simple to install, do not need to dig pits to bury cables, and basically do not require maintenance during later use. This has saved us a lot of costs, after all, labor costs are very expensive. If you are installing a traditional street lamp and you touch wires or natural gas pipelines during the digging and burying process, the construction will also become very complicated. In addition, it is well-known that solar street lamps rely on solar power, do not need to be connected to the grid, and will not incur electricity bills in the future. If all the traditional street lights on a 20-kilometer highway are replaced by solar street lamps, about 350,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity can be saved a year. Calculated based on the average electricity fee of 0.6 yuan per kilowatt-hour, at least more than 200,000 yuan can be saved each year. According to statistics, the annual maintenance and use cost of street lights in China is as high as hundreds of millions, and 90% of the cost behind this figure is electricity, and the use of led solar street lamps can basically save this cost.

The brightness of the light source of the solar street lamp is 3 times that of the ordinary street lamp, and it has many advantages such as good stability, long life and high luminous efficiency. And it can effectively use solar energy without complicated wiring, maintenance costs, and no electricity bills. The EXC-CR-Z01 integrated solar street lamp uses cost-effective monocrystalline silicon solar panels and lithium iron phosphate batteries. The power of 20W-150W is available for customers to choose, which can support 5-7 days of lighting in rainy and cloudy days, which is the first choice of many users.
